I trust in the hightest consciousness of all. I call forth the highest consciousness within me.


Now the so-called laws of your camouflage universe do not apply to the inner universe. They do not even apply to other camouflage planes. However, the laws of the inner universe apply to all camouflage universes, and all consciousnesses on any plane must follow the basic laws of the inner universe.”

Value Fulfillment
In your physical universe this rule is followed as physical growth. The entity follows this rule through the cycle of reincarnations. The species of mankind, and all other species in your universe on your particular horizontal plane, follow this law under the auspices of evolution.

Energy Transformation
Energy transformation and value fulfillment, all existing within the spacious present, add up to a durability that is at the same time spontaneous. Energy transformation and value fulfillment add up to a durability that is simultaneous.

Our third law is spontaneity, and despite all appearances of beginning and end, despite all appearances of death and decay, all consciousness exists in the spacious present, in a spontaneous manner, in simultaneous harmony, and yet within the spacious present there is also durability.

Durability is our fourth law. Durability within the framework of the spacious present would not exist were it not for the laws of value fulfillment and energy transformation. These make duration within the spacious present not only possible but necessary.

Now, on your particular camouflage universe you are learning energy transformation. And in your case you are learning to transform inner energy by forming it into physical constructions that the plane enables you to manipulate by the formation of particular outer senses for this purpose. You are severely limited as yet in the use of your abilities. When the two laws of value fulfillment and energy transformation are mastered, then duration is a natural consequence.”

Creation is obviously one of the basic laws, which we will call the fifth law.
In your physical universe this law is followed through idea constructions which become idea approximations of inner reality that are, nevertheless, distorted to a large degree, and make up the various camouflage patterns with which you are familiar.

Our next rule, or law, of the inner universe is of course consciousness. Everything that exists on any plane and under any circumstances contains consciousness, condensed knowledge, and even self-awareness to some degree. There is no case where this is not so.”

Capacity for Infinite Mobility
Our next law of the inner universe is the capacity for infinite mobility, this occurring within the spacious present, which is an infinite spacious present.

Infinite Changeability and Transmutation
Our next law is the law of infinite changeability and transmutation. That is, any given portion of energy has within it the capacity to take on any pattern or to form an infinite number of energy fields, each one giving forth a truly infinite variety of result. As you know, the cells or atoms in an arm could just as well form an ear, as far as innate ability is concerned.


Cooperation is always a vibrant and necessary law, and you may add cooperation to our list of laws governing the inner universe.

Now, this constant creation of the physical universe is not maintained through some localized subconscious that exists somewhere between two ears, behind the forehead. The individual subconscious, as I have explained, is the result of a psychic pooling of resources and abilities. It is a gestalt, maintained and formed by the cooperating, generalized consciousness of each atom and molecule of which the physical body is composed.

Each individual atom within its generalized consciousness has the capacity, in some degree, to construct its portion of energy into physical construction.

It is extremely important that you understand this fact, and realize that the individual cells, for example, lose no individuality in this process, and gain immeasurably, the whole physical structure of the body being the result of this cooperation of cells which are themselves the result of the cooperation of atoms and molecules.


It has nothing to do with space. This is a quality existing with assurance of expansion, in terms of value fulfillment.

Quality-depth is therefore a sort of perspective having to do with value fulfillment. I can perhaps give you an analogy. Quality-depth is the sort of perspective, the only perspective, in which an idea can expand. It could be said to take the place of both your space and time, though this is somewhat simplifying matters.

It is the perspective in which psychic motion occurs. In hypnosis for example a trance is said to be light or deep. This corresponds somewhat to the kind of depth that is involved here. Unfortunately, when you think of depth you think in terms of a movement at once inward and outward.

Here we will most probably run into some difficulty, but I will try to explain what I mean, and will clear up any questions later. As the self has an inner and an outer ego, so also does the inside finally become the outside. Theoretically for example, if followed through, a deep trance leading to a deeper inside so to speak, would bring you ultimately to another outside. The outer ego for example would meet the inner ego, and vice versa.

This is an instance of true traveling, or psychic motion. Now this quality that could be said to be a substitute for your space and time, this quality-depth, represents the perspective in which this sort of psychic traveling or psychic motion, or any psychic action, occurs; and its depth can be understood not in terms of downward action, but perhaps you can comprehend it if you think of a deep trance, for example, as definitely having motion, though the body may be motionless.

Quality-depth is therefore the perspective in which all psychic actions occur, all ideas and universes expand. This expansion occurs in infinite dimensions, as perhaps it could be said that an apple develops about its core; and that perhaps is not a good analogy.”


For one thing, while pain is unpleasant it is also a method of familiarizing the self against the edges of quickened consciousness. Any heightened sensation, pleasant or unpleasant, has a stimulating effect upon a consciousness to some degree. It is a strong awareness of activity and life.

Where the stimulus may be extremely annoying, and humiliatingly unpleasant, certain portions of the psychological framework accept it indiscriminatingly because it is a sensation, and a vivid one. This acquiescence to even painful stimuli is a basic part of the nature of consciousness, and a necessary one.

Even a quick and automatic rejection or withdrawal from such stimulus is in itself a way by which consciousness knows itself. The ego may attempt to ignore or escape from such experiences, but the basic nature of action itself is the knowing of itself in all aspects; and in a basic manner, in a very basic and deep manner, action does not differentiate between pleasant, painful or enjoyable actions.

These differentiations come much later and on another level, and in a later evolutionary development. But because the personality is composed of action, the personality also contains within it this characteristic of action, in that it accepts all sensations as expressions of itself, and does not discriminate between stimuli. Action accepts all stimuli in an affirmative manner.

……All this is basic knowledge, if you would understand why the personality accepts even an impeding action, or pain or illness, as a part of itself, despite the ego’s resistance to pain.


The identity that you have claimed to appease others, to make yourself accepted by them must be seen for what they are: a mask that you hold that precludes your beauty from expressing itself in fullness.”

Every time you take an action on your own behalf, every time you deny fear its purview and stand in your power, every time you align a conscious choice to a new possibility of freedom, you give yourself praise. And to give oneself praise means you lift your frequency in accord with the divine. You are not praising the personality self, you are lifting your vibration.


With the exception of the ego, the various parts of the personality do not react to time as a series of moments. All is experienced as present.

The child therefore within the adult personality is not dead, nor are his reactions considered, basically, as reactions which are part of a past behavior pattern; but these reactions exist side by side with adult reactions.


Most people define love as a feeling of affection or a sentiment. That’s love attached to a feeling. That is part of what love is. They’re in the process of expressing love, expressing who they are. You connect with others, and in that connection you feel certain feelings. You may feel compassion, affection, tenderness, closeness. Those are all attributes of the experience of love. But they are not what love is.

They are all feelings that you experience in the expression or the experience of love, but they are not what love is.

The core of what love is, is the expression of your being, the revelation of the being, showing and sharing all of who you are with life, with the world, with every other human being, with one individual human being. All of that is love.


The consciousness of atoms and molecules can be likened to the subconscious as you now know it, in that it is generalized to a large degree, but energy-propelled. You should perhaps realize by now that the inner self, the mind and its components, is composed or forms a unitary force field of its own.

The subconscious is a radiation outward from the mental enclosure that can be considered as a nucleus. The conscious is the furthest reach, the outer radius of the primary field. Emanations from this field continue, traveling further, projecting energy that is transformed as you know into matter; and in a simplified version of your universe perceived in terms of such force fields, you would have seemingly endless atoms and molecules spinning about the nucleus, or an endless variety of such patterns that would appear on first appraisal random to an observer from another field.


The inner self still related to dream reality, while the body’s orientation and the body consciousness attained, as was intended, a great sense of physical adventure, curiosity, speculation, wonder—and so once again the inner self put a portion of its consciousness in a different parcel, so to speak.

As once it had formed the body consciousness, now it formed a physically attuned consciousness, a self whose desires and intents would be oriented in a way that, alone, the inner self could not be.

The inner self was too aware of its own multidimensionality, so in your terms it gave psychological birth to itself through the body in space and time. It knew itself as a physical creature.


Now, with all you have been told about the nature of personality, and of the many of which you are a part, it would now be a help if you could find the center of your larger self.

You can intuitively become aware to some extent of your own reincarnations, so that you feel a recognizable sense of familiarity. Now there is unity in all. You have been told that there is a point where all dimensions and systems of reality merge. Now the same is true of consciousness. You are a part of a larger self, an entity, and because you are there is a portion of you that has access to the knowledge of your entity.”

…You will find evidence of the center of your self in your paintings, of course. There is a continuity that follows through all existences, and shows itself in the endeavors and creations of the individuals involved.

There will be a core within your own paintings, from which the whole composition springs, and it is here that you can find rapport with the center of your self. The center contains condensed knowledge, not only of seemingly past lives, but also of the future. Of this, in your work, you create a new dimension.

That center is like a road that you can follow inward. Remembered faces of those you have known, and remembered scenes from other existences, form the nucleus of your experience; the forms that you bring, seemingly out of nothing, into actuality. Although you are not consciously aware of the past familiarity, nevertheless you use the knowledge to your conscious advantage.

In one way you are the steps leading up to yourself, or the spirals leading in to yourself. The painting spirals outward from your inner reality, and it brings forth energy and previous connections and interpretations. You form these anew, however, adding to them the knowledge and vitality of your present self.

It is somewhat easier for the artist or poet to find this center of the self. The intuitive symbols can be better recognized. Now you can grab a hold of the original inspiration for a painting, and ride it outward, or you can look at your own completed painting and ride it inward to its source. Do you follow me?


In either case when conditions are right, you should feel a sense of recognition, a sense of grasping a portion of the center of your own reality. This is not a nebulous experience, but vivid, powerful, and direct. You will know it at once. When you have achieved this oneness with your own center, then you automatically free additional energy and vitality into your life.”


Meditate for 15 minutes.

Go outside for 15 minutes no matter what the weather and appreciate being on this planet.

Choose five different subjects and write the positive aspects on it.

Look upward and out and acknowledge that there are universal forces focused right at you. Acknowledge, by calling it by name, and say:

I am acknowledging that I am the object of your positive attention and I am appreciating your continual gaze on behalf of my well-being and today no matter where I am going, no matter what I’m doing, and no matter who I’m doing it with, I will be in conscious awareness that you too are there with me:

appreciating me, supporting me, assisting me, acknowledging me, inspiring me, guiding me, having fun with me, acknowledging me, supporting me, assisting me, inspiring me, helping me, guiding me, aware of me me, showing me, helping me, uplifting me, showing me….

Get into an endless loop of that acknowledgment and watch what begins to happen in your life as soon as this day. You’re vortex is filled to the brim with specific requests that you have put there and that you are deserving of the realization of. And it’s time for those realizations to be flooding into your experience at a rate that would astonish those who surround you. It’s time for you to remember what you put there and to bring it forward into your active experience.
