People are reluctant to live in the emptiness of the void. And this is the place where creation exist. You see, and every breath you take, there is a space between the in breath and the out breath. That space is the space of neutrality where the letting go takes place and the freedom to fill the space in the next in-breath takes place. And that is the place of neutrality that is the place of the void.

J: That's where we should be willing to be?

Gabriel: Yes. That is the place of surrender. Because when you are breathing in you are receiving, you are being receptive. When you're breathing. When you are breathing and you're taking in new life from the point of you and the perspective of the breath. You are also always breathing in the previous cycle, the previous experience you just had. Then breathing it out means letting it go. That space in between is the gestation period where the assimilation or the integration between breathing in and breathing out takes place, where you take from the old that which is of use, and to release in the next breath all that is not of use. That's where the cycles of growth and understanding and development take place.

Joel D. Anastasi - The Second Coming "

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