
“How can you follow the course of your life if you do not let it flow?”
~ Lao-Tzu

The pollen collects until the rain washes away whatever has not been taken as seed. The moss forms on stumps and rocks until the feet of animals wear it off. The leaves that cover the path disintegrate in time to show the lost their way.

It is the same with us. Our dreams collect like pollen until the sweat and tears of our living them washes away whatever has not become possible. Our soft gnarly clumps of attachment grow out of our stone – joy and sorrow alike – until what is food is eaten and what is not is worn away. Like fallen leaves, our memories cover our path until they are remembered out of existence, setting us free.

Often the pain of resisting makes us rust like iron, and in order to re-enter the flow of life, we need to be scraped back to our original surface. Our feelings, if not released, bread the heart with their grit. Like windows filmed by weather, we wait on loving hands to be rubbed clear. It is inevitable. Experience covers us over, and the expressive journey lets us come clean to the tale of light. Again.
All things in existence participate in this involuntary cycle. For human beings, the process of living stains us repeatedly with the grit of being here, with heartache and disappointment and the pointedness of being human, which can sicken us if harbored or make us whole if released. Again and again, we, more than any other life form, have this majestic and burdensome power to harbor or release the impact of our experience.

Humbly, we are asked to keep the flow real between what is taken in and what is let out. We have only to breathe to remember our place as a living inlet. Experience in, feelings out. Surprise and challenge in, heartache and joy out. In a constant tide, life rushes in, and in constant release, we must let it all run back off. For this is how the earth was made magnificent by the sea and how humankind is carved upright, again and again, by the ocean of spirit that sets us free.

• As you cross the doorway of your home into the world today, breathe deeply and ask yourself, What is it about being human that you are most grateful for?

• Be with this question as you move through your day.

• Tonight as you re-enter your nest, breathe deeply again and ask yourself, What is it about being human that continues to surprise you?

• Be with this question as you rest and sleep through the night.


How do we respond in current times to fulfill all our roles as light workers?

Because what we are not trying to do is anchor a vibration of light in whatever way we have been taught to do under esoteric principles, then look around at the world, it’s not working, and get frustrated.

It’s not what we are here to do. We’re not here to control reality; “It didn’t work, crap!” We’re here to take a much deeper look and what it fundamentally means to be co-creators of reality that works with the universe and does not compete with the universe, that transforms reality without needing to control reality, that can turn towards adversity without finding another enemy to battle and can harmonize with the light of consciousness in every form without having to run away from difficulties in order to feel good.


ALL IS WELL —just like many things that I have been taught—are codes of consciousness and when you unlock the codes of consciousness you activate the codes of your soul’s highest conduct. So let’s decode ALL IS WELL. ALL IS WELL is an acronym, a verbal symbol, so let’s take it one step at a time:

ALL – What is ALL? The word that seems to include all. ALL stands for the absolute law of love. It is the realization of that which includes everything is the force of love, and the force of love is the absolute law.

ALL, absolute law of love, IS Infinite Source, the absolute law of love. What is the purpose of this absolute law of love that is all encompassing and inclusive? It reveals our Infinite Source, where we come from, what we are expressions of, Infinite Source. People say “IT Is”. IT is infinite source. IT is the infinite declaring itself as you are.

What is the way in which this Infinite Source moves through time and space simultaneously? The natural state of this Infinite Source welcomes every life as light: WELL. The absolute law of love reveals our Infinite Source, that welcomes every life as light.

ALL IS WELL – That’s a code, and when you remembered your purpose to abide in the absolute law of love as the Infinite Source that responds to anything in view by welcoming every life however it acts or appears as the aspect of light, divinity honoring itself in form, that’s when you know all is well. And, ALL IS WELL is the vibration and campaign that we are here to spread.


We have said this often. However, suggestions should always be given before sleep, that the subconscious will maintain the organic integrity of the physical organism. This is basic.

Suggestions should also be given so that a harmonious relationship be maintained among all levels of the personality structure. Suggestions should be given that constructive tendencies are given free reign. Perhaps more important, suggestions should be given that only constructive suggestions will be reacted to. These suggestions give you a leeway.


It does no good to understand issues intellectually, however, or even to understand them intuitively unless you understand them so thoroughly that they become a part of your daily life.

…What you are learning is a technique for self-development. You cannot use it, therefore, to attain those things that do not pertain to your own self-development and the techniques will not help you get something that you were not meant to have nor that you have before decided as an entity that you should not have. I will leave specifics for later. Nevertheless, the facts remain that your own inner self and your own entity have given you challenges that you have accepted.

…But what is important is the inner development. If this is taken care of, it will automatically lead you to the person that is best for you and to the circumstances that will help you develop. To insist that a specific individual or a specific goal be attained through these methods is limiting.

There must always be the acknowledgement that you do not consciously as yet realize the depths of yourself, the goals you have set and the challenges, and this material should be used to open up your inner horizons and to lead you in those directions toward which your inner self has already set you.

If you then egotistically, say—No—this particular situation is what I want, then you may be blocking the inner direction which has been meant for you.
