Significance of the Whale Belly

Moyers: My favourite scene [in Starwars] was when they were in the garbage compactor and the walls were closing in, and I thought, “That's like the belly of the whale that swallowed Jonah.” Campbell: That's where they were, down in ......

Joseph Campbell - The Power of Myth "

The Consciousness of Atoms

The consciousness of atoms and molecules can be likened to the subconscious as you now know it, in that it is generalized to a large degree, but energy-propelled. You should perhaps realize by now that the inner self, the mind ......

Jane Roberts - The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material "

Art Creates Another Plane

The self-conscious self on the other side of the subconscious has a freer hand in the creation of your dreams, since you are the only personality to whom they must be comprehensible. The camouflage world must be dependable, therefore you ......

Jane Roberts - The Early Sessions: Book 1 of the Seth Material "