
Gabriel: And breathing accesses what? It accesses the sensation of being. This is why human beings don’t breathe. That’s why they stop breathing because breathing produces feeling. And feeling is the sensation of movement of the life energy to the body. When the movement of that life energy through feeling is associated with pain, human beings begin to stop the breath process to stop pain.

It happens very early childhood and gradually increases into adolescence and adulthood. So by the time you are an adult you have pretty much begun a slow movement towards your annihilation simply through the process of shutting off feeling.


And the removal of the fear that encases the planet that acts on each of you as a bad tape will leave, but not without a little bit of a fight.

Now on an individual level, this becomes experienced as change, and self-identification with those things that have frightened you, because everything makes itself known as it relieves itself and transforms.

Everything makes itself known on its way out, once and for all.


Everyday in all of our lives, everything you need to clear cellular memories is already happening.

What happens is you attract a situation that reflects back to you from the world of possibility based upon your belief systems. It causes an emotional trigger in your body. The emotional trigger is the nervous system actually releasing out cellular debris that’s outdated, that’s keeping your frequency limited.

The emotions you feel in your body are the themes of what’s being released out of your energy field. A space has just been created by that trigger.

If we then make up a story about the reaction and blame the person who triggered us, or blame ourselves for reacting that way like it’s some bad spiritual thing to do, we then fill in that space of healing with more debris that the universe will have to create another experience to trigger and release again.

So on a daily basis we are already clearing cellular memory. We have to learn that that is how the body is healing, that when we’re reacting we are actually having a moment of cellular healing. And, it’s our stories about the healing process that we don’t understand that causes us to fill in the empty space with more stuff to clear. That’s why we don’t feel the relief of it.”

(Lilou Mace: “So what would you say Matt, what would be the recommendation, because a lot of people are facing divorce, separation, job loss, bankruptcy, like my laptop the other day—like some crazy little things they, keep on showing up? What is that, an opportunity for healing, is that what you are saying? To react differently? To liberate ourselves from an old memory?”)

I would say that every moment of reaction is a moment of cellular healing, so whatever manifests external in our lives, is whatever situation needs to be the magnet that pulls the cellular conditioning out of your body so that you can be freed of these cellular memories that allows your energetic frequencies exist in it’s natural state which is always naturally existing at the highest frequency possible.

So, if we can see that everything that is external is not an enemy, it’s not taking from me, it only feels like it’s taking from when we are lost in this over-consumption, deciding whether things are adding or subtracting from my well-being which a state of survival and threat.

But if we really can see that everything that comes into my life is given to teach me something. What is it here to teach you? It’s here for you to create a relationship with whether it’s a person, an animal, possessions, everything is here for you to create a relationship.

That relationship then serves it’s highest purpose on your souls journey. When it expires, when it goes away, like a magnet it pulls out of you all the reactions: the mourning, the grief, the loss, the heartbreak, the failure, all of that, is what’s being pulled out of your energy field and most people don’t know that what they are feeling negatively is actually what’s leaving…


As you are always in vibration, you are always in expression, regardless of what you think. Your vibration is your life in manifestation. It is what holds things to you; it is what repels things as well. The vibration that you hold is how you serve.

As you are expressed as your true self, your vibration is transformed, and your service, as we say, is how you express this in all areas of your being. Now you design your lives in accordance with mandates that you have been taught. “How I serve must be something I do that is nice for other people because that is how I know service to be.” And you are welcome to do that and, in fact, you may be called, but what we are telling you is something quite different.

When you align to the Christ as the vibration that you hold, that is what you express and that is your service, because what you call to you in response to this will be in alignment with that level of knowing and creation. Now we will explain this for you. When you move into a high consciousness and your vibration is in accord with that, the manifestations on this plane must be altered to reflect the new level of awareness and the new level of expression that you have claimed. In this claim you call things to you, and what you claim to you must be in alignment with this new ideal. It cannot be otherwise.

…What you would claim to yourselves at this new level of consciousness must be in accord with it, and what is in accord with the Christ as a manifestation must be in healing and is in service. The vibration that you hold is service because you are always expressing your vibration. So that is how you experience yourselves.

Paul is getting in the way. “Do we have to tell them they are going to go and be a nurse if they are in service?”

Absolutely not. For one man to be in service as himself is to be realized as his truest self. As this man is realized as his truest self, he is expressed as this and that is what he calls to him. He demonstrates this in every aspect of his life because he cannot not demonstrate it. What he is demonstrating will be love, will be the expression of the Christ, because that is how the Christ expresses itself.”


The body is composed of living, responding atoms and molecules. These have their own consciousnesses alive in matter, their drive to exist and be within the framework of their own nature. They compose the cells, and these combine to form the organs. The organs possess the combined consciousnesses of each of the cells within them, and in their way the organs sense their own identity.

They have a purpose — that function they provide within the organism as a whole. This cooperation of consciousness continues so that you have a body consciousness that is vital, that strives to maintain its own equilibrium and health.


I allow the soul of ________ to be pardoned and set free now as I AM on all timelines and dimensions; past, present and future, parallel and alternate, in all realities. And so it is.
