We are all Vibrational Beings. You’re like a receiving mechanism that when you set your tuner to the station, you’re going to hear what’s playing. Whatever you are focused upon is the way you set your tuner, and when you focus there for as little as 17 seconds, you activate that vibration within you. Once you activate a vibration within you, Law of Attraction begins responding to that vibration, and you’re off and running–whether it’s something wanted or unwanted.


There is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it. Whether it is a material object, a physical state of being, a relationship, a condition, or a circumstance – at the heart of every desire is the desire to feel good. And so, the standard of success in life is not the things or the money – the standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.


“An atom is not a thing.”

Werner Heisenberg – Key pioneer quantum mechanics


The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.


All the things that truly matter — beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace — arise from beyond the mind.


Time for a cup of tea

Pellentesque vel dui sed orci faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse dictum magna id purus tincidunt rutrum. Nulla congue. Vivamus sit amet lorem posuere dui vulputate ornare. Phasellus mattis sollicitudin ligula. Duis dignissim felis et urna. Integer adipiscing congue metus.


A video embed post

Cras dictum. Maecenas ut turpis. In vitae erat ac orci dignissim eleifend. Nunc quis justo. Sed vel ipsum in purus tincidunt pharetra. Sed pulvinar, felis id consectetuer malesuada, enim nisl mattis elit, a facilisis tortor nibh quis leo.


Balancing work and Faith

Suspendisse vestibulum dignissim quam. Integer vel augue. Phasellus nulla purus, interdum ac, venenatis non, varius rutrum, leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


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Suspendisse vestibulum dignissim quam. Integer vel augue. Phasellus nulla purus, interdum ac, venenatis non, varius rutrum, leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
