As you are always in vibration, you are always in expression, regardless of what you think. Your vibration is your life in manifestation. It is what holds things to you; it is what repels things as well. The vibration that you hold is how you serve.

As you are expressed as your true self, your vibration is transformed, and your service, as we say, is how you express this in all areas of your being. Now you design your lives in accordance with mandates that you have been taught. “How I serve must be something I do that is nice for other people because that is how I know service to be.” And you are welcome to do that and, in fact, you may be called, but what we are telling you is something quite different.

When you align to the Christ as the vibration that you hold, that is what you express and that is your service, because what you call to you in response to this will be in alignment with that level of knowing and creation. Now we will explain this for you. When you move into a high consciousness and your vibration is in accord with that, the manifestations on this plane must be altered to reflect the new level of awareness and the new level of expression that you have claimed. In this claim you call things to you, and what you claim to you must be in alignment with this new ideal. It cannot be otherwise.

…What you would claim to yourselves at this new level of consciousness must be in accord with it, and what is in accord with the Christ as a manifestation must be in healing and is in service. The vibration that you hold is service because you are always expressing your vibration. So that is how you experience yourselves.

Paul is getting in the way. “Do we have to tell them they are going to go and be a nurse if they are in service?”

Absolutely not. For one man to be in service as himself is to be realized as his truest self. As this man is realized as his truest self, he is expressed as this and that is what he calls to him. He demonstrates this in every aspect of his life because he cannot not demonstrate it. What he is demonstrating will be love, will be the expression of the Christ, because that is how the Christ expresses itself.”

The body is composed of living, responding atoms and molecules. These have their own consciousnesses alive in matter, their drive to exist and be within the framework of their own nature. They compose the cells, and these combine to form the organs. The organs possess the combined consciousnesses of each of the cells within them, and in their way the organs sense their own identity.

They have a purpose — that function they provide within the organism as a whole. This cooperation of consciousness continues so that you have a body consciousness that is vital, that strives to maintain its own equilibrium and health.

I allow the soul of ________ to be pardoned and set free now as I AM on all timelines and dimensions; past, present and future, parallel and alternate, in all realities. And so it is.

Going through the darkness may take a long time. Real growth happens in stages, and sometimes a stage may seem to go on and on forever. Trust the process. Reach out. Get support and help from friends and healers. Be on the lookout for your own resistance to change. Read the feedback life provides. And don’t fear that by bringing your negativity out of the shadows and into the light that it will overpower you or run amok.

As Jung says, “Once the negative side of your battle has become conscious, it will lose power.

So don’t be frightened, dear friend, if a sadness confronts you larger than any you have ever known, casting its shadow over all you do. You must think that something is happening within you, and remember that life has not forgotten you; it holds you in its hand and will not let you fall.

Why would you want to exclude from your life any uneasiness, any pain, any depression, since you don’t know what work they are accomplishing within you?

To end the misery that has afflicted the human condition for thousands of years, you have to start with yourself and take responsibility for your inner state at any given moment. That means now.

Ask yourself, “Is there negativity in me at this moment?” Then, become alert, attentive to your thoughts as well as your emotions. Watch out for the low-level unhappiness in whatever form that I mentioned earlier, such as discontent, nervousness, being “fed up,” and so on. Watch out for thoughts that appear to justify or explain this unhappiness but in reality cause it.

The moment you become aware of a negative state within yourself, it does not mean you have failed. It means that you have succeeded. Until that awareness happens, there is identification with inner states, and such identification is ego. With awareness comes disidentification from thoughts, emotions, and reactions. This is not to be confused with denial. The thoughts, emotions, or reactions are recognized, and in the moment of recognizing, disidentification happens automatically.

Your sense of self, of who you are, then undergoes a shift: Before you were the thoughts, emotions, and reactions; now you are the awareness, the conscious Presence that witnesses those states.

When the colors about you seem dark and unwholesome, go to the centre of light within—ask reverently that the purest color of your birth vibration may flow out through every cell of your body and watch it go happily forth changing gloom to joy.

In a kind of parable, Nietzsche describes what he calls the three transformations of the spirit. The first is that of the camel, of childhood and youth. The camel gets down on his knees and says, “Put a load on me.” This is the season for obedience, receiving instruction and the information your society requires of you in order to live a responsible life.

But when the camel is well loaded, it struggles to its feet and runs out into the desert, where it is transformed into a lion — the heavier the load that had been carried, the stronger the lion will be. Now, the task of the lion is to kill a dragon, and the name of the dragon is “Thou shalt.” On every scale of this scaly beast, a “thou shalt” is imprinted: some from four thousand years ago; others from this morning’s headlines. Whereas the camel, the child, had to submit to the “thou shalts,” the lion, the youth, is to throw them off and come to his own realization.

And so, when the dragon is thoroughly dead, with all its “thou shalts” overcome, the lion is transformed into a child moving out of its own nature, like a wheel impelled from its own hub. No more rules to obey. No more rules derived from the historical needs and tasks of the local society, but the pure impulse to living of a life in flower.

For the camel, the “thou shalt” is a must, a civilizing force. It converts the human animal into a civilized human being. But the period of youth is the period of self-discovery and transformation into a lion. The rules are now to be used at will for life, not submitted to as compelling “thou shalts.” It comes the time for using the rules in your own way and not being bound by them. That is the time for the lion-deed. You can actually forget the rules because they have been assimilated. You are an artist.

Every opportunity is an opportunity for you to know yourself in a new way. And in the face of pain, you may know yourself in strength. In the face of loss, you may know yourself as gifted; in the face of death, you may know yourself as alive. ”

We do not tell you to be in shame for anything you have experienced. To hide your face from the light is to hide your face from Source, and Source knows who you are anyway.

Follow your bliss.

If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you.

I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be. If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.