ALL IS WELL —just like many things that I have been taught—are codes of consciousness and when you unlock the codes of consciousness you activate the codes of your soul’s highest conduct. So let’s decode ALL IS WELL. ALL IS WELL is an acronym, a verbal symbol, so let’s take it one step at a time:
ALL - What is ALL? The word that seems to include all. ALL stands for the absolute law of love. It is the realization of that which includes everything is the force of love, and the force of love is the absolute law.
ALL, absolute law of love, IS Infinite Source, the absolute law of love. What is the purpose of this absolute law of love that is all encompassing and inclusive? It reveals our Infinite Source, where we come from, what we are expressions of, Infinite Source. People say “IT Is”. IT is infinite source. IT is the infinite declaring itself as you are.
What is the way in which this Infinite Source moves through time and space simultaneously? The natural state of this Infinite Source welcomes every life as light: WELL. The absolute law of love reveals our Infinite Source, that welcomes every life as light.
ALL IS WELL - That’s a code, and when you remembered your purpose to abide in the absolute law of love as the Infinite Source that responds to anything in view by welcoming every life however it acts or appears as the aspect of light, divinity honoring itself in form, that’s when you know all is well. And, ALL IS WELL is the vibration and campaign that we are here to spread.
Matt Kahn presents a way of responding to what appears as tumultuous times we are currently living in.