Great Learning – Great Work
Learning involves your whole being. Great work is a result of great learning. It is not the result of seeing easy answers scribbled magically upon a blackboard. The flowers thrust themselves up through soil, but they hardly consider the soil ......
Jane Roberts - The Early Sessions Book 8 "Good Health – The Natural State of Being
You should desire good health because it is a natural state of your being. You should trust in the innate intelligence of your own being… which produces good health. Health is a natural state of your being. Through your physical ......
Jane Roberts - The Early Sessions: Book 9 of the Seth Material "Nature is the Soul in Flesh
The soul does not exist apart from nature. It is not thrust into nature. Nature is the soul in flesh, in whatever its materializations. The flesh is as spiritual as the soul, and the soul is as natural as the ......
Jane Roberts - Seth Speaks "Blueprints and Dreams of Illumination
The deep portions of your own being are aware of those purposes and intents that are uniquely yours. Unconsciously, then, you have within you what you might think of as a set of blueprints for the particular kind of physical ......
Jane Roberts - The Nature of Personal Reality "Molecular Consciousness – Every Organ Senses it’s Own Identity
The body is composed of living, responding atoms and molecules. These have their own consciousnesses alive in matter, their drive to exist and be within the framework of their own nature. They compose the cells, and these combine to form ......
Jane Roberts - The Nature of Personal Reality "Units of Consciousness – Building Blocks of Matter
Now: I call the building blocks of matter CU’s—units of consciousness. They form physical matter as it exists in your understanding and experience. Units of consciousness also form other kinds of matter that you do not perceive. CU’s can also ......
Jane Roberts - Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment - Book 1 "Sleep Suggestions
We have said this often. However, suggestions should always be given before sleep, that the subconscious will maintain the organic integrity of the physical organism. This is basic. Suggestions should also be given so that a harmonious relationship be maintained ......
Jane Roberts - The Eary Sessions: Book 4 "Inner Development and Soul Challenges
It does no good to understand issues intellectually, however, or even to understand them intuitively unless you understand them so thoroughly that they become a part of your daily life. …What you are learning is a technique for self-development. You ......
Jane Roberts - The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material "Your Body
Your body is the basic product of your creativity on a physical level. From its integrity all other constructions in your lifetime must come. Your greatest artistic endeavors must arise out of the soul-in-flesh (with hyphens).
Jane Roberts - The Nature of Personal Reality "Ideas and Physical Laws
It should be obvious that although an idea is born in time, after its conception it is free from time in a way that a spider’s web can never be free from time. To the extent that a construction exists ......
Jane Roberts - The Early Sessions: Book 1 of the Seth Material "