Great Learning – Great Work
Learning involves your whole being. Great work is a result of great learning. It is not the result of seeing easy answers scribbled magically upon a blackboard. The flowers thrust themselves up through soil, but they hardly consider the soil ......
Jane Roberts - The Early Sessions Book 8 "The Power of Imagination and Emotions
Imagination and emotions are the most concentrated forms of energy that you possess as physical creatures. Any strong emotion carries within it far more energy than, say, that required to send a rocket to the moon. Emotions, instead of propelling ......
Jane Roberts - The Nature of Personal Reality "Significance of the Whale Belly
Moyers: My favourite scene [in Starwars] was when they were in the garbage compactor and the walls were closing in, and I thought, “That's like the belly of the whale that swallowed Jonah.” Campbell: That's where they were, down in ......
Joseph Campbell - The Power of Myth "Blueprints and Dreams of Illumination
The deep portions of your own being are aware of those purposes and intents that are uniquely yours. Unconsciously, then, you have within you what you might think of as a set of blueprints for the particular kind of physical ......
Jane Roberts - The Nature of Personal Reality "Breathing – Life Energy and the Body
Gabriel: And breathing accesses what? It accesses the sensation of being. This is why human beings don't breathe. That's why they stop breathing because breathing produces feeling. And feeling is the sensation of movement of the life energy to the ......
Joel D. Anastasi - The Second Coming "Everything Makes Itself Known On It’s Way Out
And the removal of the fear that encases the planet that acts on each of you as a bad tape will leave, but not without a little bit of a fight. Now on an individual level, this becomes experienced as ......
Paul Selig - I Am The Word "Emotional Triggers are Clearing Cellular Memory
Everyday in all of our lives, everything you need to clear cellular memories is already happening. What happens is you attract a situation that reflects back to you from the world of possibility based upon your belief systems. It causes ......
Matt Kahn - Life as and Angel - Video "How You Serve – Being in Service
As you are always in vibration, you are always in expression, regardless of what you think. Your vibration is your life in manifestation. It is what holds things to you; it is what repels things as well. The vibration that ......
Paul Selig - The Book of Knowing and Worth "Molecular Consciousness – Every Organ Senses it’s Own Identity
The body is composed of living, responding atoms and molecules. These have their own consciousnesses alive in matter, their drive to exist and be within the framework of their own nature. They compose the cells, and these combine to form ......
Jane Roberts - The Nature of Personal Reality "A Forgiveness Affirmation
I allow the soul of ________ to be pardoned and set free now as I AM on all timelines and dimensions; past, present and future, parallel and alternate, in all realities. And so it is.
Matt Kahn - Unknown "