Emotional Forecast – Solar Eclipse

September 3, 2017

Monica McIntyre presents an Emotional Forecast from Matt Kahn and more in formation from Pam Youghans regarding the solar eclipse.


You’re Not Going to Get It Right

July 9, 2017

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to own up to how you feel and to say, “I am where I am”.


Emotional Forecast – Opening Up to Feel Safe- Matt Kahn

April 23, 2017

“What if fears of loss, rejection, ridicule, abandonment, and future pending moments of heartbreak are manifestations of how we’ve innocently turned away from Source by remaining shut down?” Monica McIntyre presents an Emotional Forecast from Matt Kahn.


Forgiveness – Finding Our Authentic Self

April 2, 2017

Last week we looked at shame, authenticity, and forgiveness so I want to continue this Sunday with the same theme of forgiveness and its importance for spiritual growth. So, when I found a website called “Unravelling Reality: a Spiritual Exploration” and the first article was entitled, Forgiveness and Its Importance for Spiritual Growth, I thought


A Deeper Surrender

November 13, 2016

This has been a very strange week following the election on Tuesday. Those who know me well know that I am vehemently opposed to mixing church and state and I abhor any religious institution that endeavors to influence the congregation with political rhetoric. Rather, I believe that any spiritual organization should be focused on encouraging


Life Knows the Way

November 6, 2016

“One of the greatest distractions to becoming a liberated expression of spirit in form is an innocent tendency to put all of your hope into a healing modality instead of learning how to trust the transformation already under way.” Monica McIntyre offers insight from Matt Kahn up for discussion.


Increasing Your Emotional Fitness

October 2, 2016

By offering yourself and others the verbal gifts of heart-centered support, you are no longer held emotionally hostage, waiting for others to say the very words that you have the power to provide yourself.
