Letting Go – Finding Peace and Freedom
What I have found is that most of us are afraid that if we let go of the behaviors that are protecting us we will be lost, unprotected and thus damaged more. However, when we let those behaviors go, we discover our wholeness, our true strength, our creative problem solving abilities—and in the humbleness of that moment, we discover that a Higher Power has our back.
The Meaning of Religion and Spirituality-Part 3
Religion and Responsibility In part 3 of the Religion and Spirituality series we discuss the Seven Spiritual Hungers by Howard Clinebell. They are: Experience the healing and empowerment of love—from others, self, and an ultimate source. Experience renewing times of transcendence—expansive moments beyond the immediate sensory spheres. Have vital beliefs that lend meaning and hope
The Nine Stages of Transformation
Today we discuss the “Nine Stages of Transformation” or spiritual awakening as defined by author Penny Peirce from her book Frequency. We ask, how many of you are experiencing these stages? The Nine Stages of Spiritual Transformation Spirit Merges with Body, Emotions, and Mind The physical world is responding to an influx of high-frequency “cosmic”