Manda Pie Art Exposé – Deities of India

Make time to stay a few minutes after service Sunday while artist Manda Pie explains her inspirations for her recent series of artwork. Her work will be displayed during service and available for purchase after service.

Manda Pie deity paintings, originals – acrylic on wood panel with jewel details

Contact Manda Pie – [masked]

Lakshmi Standing – 20×48″ ($1700 – sold)

Lakshmi Full Seated in Lotus – 20×24″ ($850)

Lakshmi Close Up – 14×24″ ($800)

Lord Ganesha, Elephant God: 24×36″ ($900)

Saraswathi with Swan and Peacock: 20×24″ ($850)

Durga on Tiger: 20×24″ ($850)

Prints also available – 11×17″ $25


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