“An Evening in the Light” with Intuitive Psychic Medium Brandie Chrisman

~ An Evening in the Light~

You are invited to join us for this rare opportunity to experience a Gallery Reading by Brandie, who is a highly-trained, multi-talented, and deeply-experienced psychic medium with a penchant for understanding and communicating with spirit while connecting you with your loved ones.

She is generously offering her gift to us on Friday Nov. 18, 2016 7-9:30 pm for the small fee of only $15 .

There will be light snacks, coffee and water served, and space is limited to only 50 guests.

Please RSVP here OR on our Meet-up Page so we may have a head count for seating arrangement and snacks.
New guests are welcome.

This will be a beautiful night to remember!
Click here to learn more about Brandie Chrisman

NDE – Near-Death and Mystical Experiences


Our speaker this month for our NDE group is Brandie Chrisman this month. Brandie is an evidential medium, trained at Arthur Findlay College in England. She does gallery readings for groups in this country and elsewhere, and we are very happy that she will join us.

Brandie will share her story and offer readings for those who attend. She may also lead us in sitting in spirit. Your questions are welcome.

Our admission is FREE, and we collect a LOVE offering to help defray expenses. We are OPEN to the public.

Please join us for this intriguing program.

To sign up please go to our meet-up page. more info and sign up sheet

Around the world a number of people have had the experience of dying — losing all vital signs and returning to full consciousness with lucid memories of a non-physical world. This experience is referred to as NDE or Near Death Experience. Come listen to their riveting stories of love and mystery, and messages received from beyond for they have remarkable stories to tell.

Speakers who have had extraordinary mystical experiences unrelated to NDE may be featured as well. We sometimes invite psychic sensitives and those in the mind-body healing therapy fields to share their talents, so check back to this site for up-to-date information.

Our meetings can be very engaging, encouraging all to share their own experiences. We would love for you to join us. Our meetings are comfortable and informal.