Now your physical body is a field of energy with a certain form, however, and when someone asks you your name, your lips speak it — and yet the name does not belong to the atoms and molecules in the lips that utter the syllables. The name has meaning only to you. Within your body you cannot put your finger upon your own identity. If you could travel within your body, you could not find where your identity resides, yet you say, “This is my body,” and, “This is my name.”
If you cannot be found, even by yourself, within your body, then where is this identity of yours that claims to hold the cells and organs as its own? Your identity obviously has some connection with your body, since you have no trouble distinguishing your body from someone else’s, and you certainly have no trouble distinguishing between your body and the chair, say, upon which you may sit.
In a larger manner, the identity of the soul can be seen from the same viewpoint. It knows who it is, and is far more certain of its identity, indeed, than your physical self is of its identity.
As confusion is avoided by remaining in search of the clarity of conceptual understanding, one is led directly into further heartbreak, loss, and failure – to inevitably unravel what relaxing into confusion is always ready to reveal.
If constant heartbreak, loss, and failure doesn’t sound like the smoothest path available to you, then it’s time to demonstrate your deepest level of sincerity and face the experience of confusion with the innocence and curiosity of an open heart.
Once confusion arises, all one has to do is relax into it, like a seed that has finally found a home in the ground, beginning to sprout roots on a journey of growth only leading one upward.
Just like when tending to a garden, seeds don’t usually need too much coaxing once they are planted in place, nor do flowers require specific rules to follow, or endless streams of ideas in order to grow. All they need is the gentle care and loving attention from those who are inspired to support their growth, so all the elements may come together to express the uniqueness and wondrous beauty of life’s eternal Source.
If you wish to assist yourself or others when awakening into spiritual maturity, discard every idea, belief, or concept that only serves to feed the hungry overthinking mind, and dare to love each and every heart – just as it is. Remember, while a seed may grow impatient in the blossoming process, the sun always knows there is nothing to rush.
You attract what you judge until you no longer judge what you attract.
Whatever arises in your experience in response to what you see is revealing the next part of yourself that awaits love and kindness. As you love the parts of yourself like an infinite processional line where every feeling and aspect of self is loved more not less, what you are clearing out of your field is for the emergence of your soul mate – higher self informed.
Surrender is I am the one that changes. And I change by changing my relationship with whatever I feel by accepting that the only catalyst causing any outcome to occur is a divine force within me that is bringing me what’s next in line to make peace with life, to come into harmony, to bring forth the highest vibrational energy for the well-being of all just by saying, I don’t have to like this I can hate it, and yet this is the next thing for me to welcome as an equal expression of the totality.
So you bring the Word of God or divine will into your living celebration and you simply look at your life as a spiritual adventure where you’re facing all of the things you’ve been taught to judge as other than the divine and bring forth the celebration that it is only the divine no matter how it affects you are not convinced that it is less than the divine than anything else and the game will be done and you will no longer be a spiritual garbageman and you will become an anchor of the highest vibration in existence which is the energy of celebration.
As soon as we start talking about divinity the heaven that is already here is revealed and the hell that never was vanishes. You have to affirm that the divine you are is working through you orchestrating all of this so that the divine that you are can work through you to do it all for you.
Other people’s reactions are showing me where I am on my spiritual journey. No they don’t. Other people’s reactions don’t show you where you are. Other people’s reactions show them where they are.
The only thing that shows you where you are is how honest you are about your experience and how deeply you celebrate it.
No specific thought anchors a lower vibration. The lower vibration is anchored by your refusal to celebrate it as the divine.
While I assure you there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it is your willingness to relinquish every morsel of hope, expectation, and anticipation that allows the intelligence within you to have free reign over your field and redirect your consciousness into a new and exciting direction.
Sometimes it is a belief that you know how the spiritual path is supposed to work or an insistence that you know what you need to do that can block the recognition of your most profound insight. It is an insight that in the acceptance of there being no way out of pain or judgment that ends your war against life.
As your lifelong battle dissolves, you may begin to see how each and every moment has been masterfully designed to ensure your highest growth and expansion – no matter how confusing, hurtful, or frustrating it may seemed to have been.
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it.
It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.