Learning involves your whole being. Great work is a result of great learning. It is not the result of seeing easy answers scribbled magically upon a blackboard.

The flowers thrust themselves up through soil, but they hardly consider the soil or thrusting a tragedy, nor resent the time spent in the frozen earth, for they realize the frozen earth is a condition of their blossoming—a challenge that is an aid, not a hindrance.

The light does not resent the darkness which it illuminates, you see? Your inner self is aware of this.


People are reluctant to live in the emptiness of the void. And this is the place where creation exist. You see, and every breath you take, there is a space between the in breath and the out breath. That space is the space of neutrality where the letting go takes place and the freedom to fill the space in the next in-breath takes place. And that is the place of neutrality that is the place of the void.

J: That’s where we should be willing to be?

Gabriel: Yes. That is the place of surrender. Because when you are breathing in you are receiving, you are being receptive. When you’re breathing. When you are breathing and you’re taking in new life from the point of you and the perspective of the breath. You are also always breathing in the previous cycle, the previous experience you just had. Then breathing it out means letting it go. That space in between is the gestation period where the assimilation or the integration between breathing in and breathing out takes place, where you take from the old that which is of use, and to release in the next breath all that is not of use. That’s where the cycles of growth and understanding and development take place.


You should desire good health because it is a natural state of your being. You should trust in the innate intelligence of your own being… which produces good health. Health is a natural state of your being. Through your physical image the energy of the universe expresses itself.

You as an individualized consciousness are a part of this, and you cannot express yourself fully nor fulfill your purpose as an identity, as an individual, if you are not in good health… for the effects of the body are felt in the mind… and the effects of the mind are felt in the body.


Imagination and emotions are the most concentrated forms of energy that you possess as physical creatures. Any strong emotion carries within it far more energy than, say, that required to send a rocket to the moon.

Emotions, instead of propelling a physical rocket, for example, send thoughts from this interior reality through the barrier between nonphysical and physical into the “objective” world — no small feat, and one that is constantly repeated.


The soul does not exist apart from nature. It is not thrust into nature. Nature is the soul in flesh, in whatever its materializations. The flesh is as spiritual as the soul, and the soul is as natural as the flesh. In your terms the body is the living soul. Now the soul can live, and does, in many forms — some physical and some not, but while you are material, the body is the living soul.

The body constantly heals itself, which means that the soul in the flesh heals itself. The body is often closer to the soul than the mind is because it automatically grows as a flower does, trusting its nature.


Moyers: My favourite scene [in Starwars] was when they were in the garbage compactor and the walls were closing in, and I thought, “That’s like the belly of the whale that swallowed Jonah.”

Campbell: That’s where they were, down in the belly of the whale.

Moyers: What’s the mythological significance of the belly?

Campbell: The belly is the dark place where digestion takes place and new energy is created. The story of Jonah in the whale is an example of a mythic theme that is practically universal, of the hero going into a fish’s belly and ultimately coming out again, transformed.

Moyers: Why must the hero do that?

Campbell: It’s a descent into the dark. Psychologically, the whale represents the power of life locked in the unconscious. Metaphorically, water is the unconscious, and the creature in the water is the life or energy of the unconscious, which has overwhelmed the conscious personality and must be disempowered, overcome and controlled.

In the first stage of this kind of adventure, the hero leaves the realm of the familiar, over which he has some measure of control, and comes to a threshold, let us say the edge of a lake or sea, where a monster of the abyss comes to meet him. Then there are two possibilities. In the story of the Jonah type, the hero is swallowed and taken into an abyss to be later resurrected – a variant of the death-and-resurrection theme.

The conscious personality has come in touch with a charge of unconscious energy which it is unable to handle and must now suffer all the trials and revelations of a terrifying sea-journey, while learning how to come to terms with this power of the dark and emerge, at last, to a new way of life.

The other possibility is that the hero, on encountering the ower of the dark, may overcome and kill it, as did Siegfried and St. George when the killed the dragon. But as Siegfried learned, he must then taste the dragon blood, in order to take on something of that dragon power. When Siegfried has killed the dragon and tasted the blood, he hears the song of nature. He has transcended humanity and reassociated himself with the powers of nature, which are the powers of our life, and from which our minds remove us.

You see, consciousness thinks its running the shop. But it’s a secondary organ of a total human being, and it must not put itself in control. It must submit and serve the humanity of the body. When it does put itself in control, you geta man like Darth Vader in Star Wars, the man who goes over to the consciously intentional side.

Moyers: The dark figure.

Campbell: Yes, that’s the figure that in Goethe’s Faust is represented by Mephistopheles.

Moyers: But I can hear someone saying, “Well, that’s all well and good for the imagination of a George Lucas or for the scholarship of a Joseph Campbell, but that isn’t what happens in my life.”

Campbell: You bet it is – and if he doesn’t recognize it, it may turn him into a Darth Vader. If a person insists on a certain program, and doesn’t listen to the demands of his own heart, he’s going to risk a schizophrenic crack-up. Such a person has put himself off-center. He has aligned himself with a program for life, and it’s not the one the body’s interested in at all. The world is full of people who have stopped listening to themselves or have listened only to what their neigbours say to learn what they ought to do, how they ought to behave, and what the values are they ought to be living for.


The deep portions of your own being are aware of those purposes and intents that are uniquely yours. Unconsciously, then, you have within you what you might think of as a set of blueprints for the particular kind of physical reality you want to materialize. You are the architect.

A system of checks and balances exists, however, so that in certain dreams you are made aware of these blueprints. They may appear throughout your lifetime as recurring dreams of a certain nature — dreams of illumination; and even if you do not remember them you will awaken with your purposes strengthened or suddenly clear.


Gabriel: And breathing accesses what? It accesses the sensation of being. This is why human beings don’t breathe. That’s why they stop breathing because breathing produces feeling. And feeling is the sensation of movement of the life energy to the body. When the movement of that life energy through feeling is associated with pain, human beings begin to stop the breath process to stop pain.

It happens very early childhood and gradually increases into adolescence and adulthood. So by the time you are an adult you have pretty much begun a slow movement towards your annihilation simply through the process of shutting off feeling.


And the removal of the fear that encases the planet that acts on each of you as a bad tape will leave, but not without a little bit of a fight.

Now on an individual level, this becomes experienced as change, and self-identification with those things that have frightened you, because everything makes itself known as it relieves itself and transforms.

Everything makes itself known on its way out, once and for all.


Everyday in all of our lives, everything you need to clear cellular memories is already happening.

What happens is you attract a situation that reflects back to you from the world of possibility based upon your belief systems. It causes an emotional trigger in your body. The emotional trigger is the nervous system actually releasing out cellular debris that’s outdated, that’s keeping your frequency limited.

The emotions you feel in your body are the themes of what’s being released out of your energy field. A space has just been created by that trigger.

If we then make up a story about the reaction and blame the person who triggered us, or blame ourselves for reacting that way like it’s some bad spiritual thing to do, we then fill in that space of healing with more debris that the universe will have to create another experience to trigger and release again.

So on a daily basis we are already clearing cellular memory. We have to learn that that is how the body is healing, that when we’re reacting we are actually having a moment of cellular healing. And, it’s our stories about the healing process that we don’t understand that causes us to fill in the empty space with more stuff to clear. That’s why we don’t feel the relief of it.”

(Lilou Mace: “So what would you say Matt, what would be the recommendation, because a lot of people are facing divorce, separation, job loss, bankruptcy, like my laptop the other day—like some crazy little things they, keep on showing up? What is that, an opportunity for healing, is that what you are saying? To react differently? To liberate ourselves from an old memory?”)

I would say that every moment of reaction is a moment of cellular healing, so whatever manifests external in our lives, is whatever situation needs to be the magnet that pulls the cellular conditioning out of your body so that you can be freed of these cellular memories that allows your energetic frequencies exist in it’s natural state which is always naturally existing at the highest frequency possible.

So, if we can see that everything that is external is not an enemy, it’s not taking from me, it only feels like it’s taking from when we are lost in this over-consumption, deciding whether things are adding or subtracting from my well-being which a state of survival and threat.

But if we really can see that everything that comes into my life is given to teach me something. What is it here to teach you? It’s here for you to create a relationship with whether it’s a person, an animal, possessions, everything is here for you to create a relationship.

That relationship then serves it’s highest purpose on your souls journey. When it expires, when it goes away, like a magnet it pulls out of you all the reactions: the mourning, the grief, the loss, the heartbreak, the failure, all of that, is what’s being pulled out of your energy field and most people don’t know that what they are feeling negatively is actually what’s leaving…
