Meaningless Existence Could Never Produce Life
A man who believes life has little meaning quickly leaves life—and a meaningless existence could never produce life.
Jane Roberts - Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Volume One "Fulfilling Your Purpose
It seldom occurs that you might be fulfilling your purposes quite beautifully despite all of your convictions-for they are indeed convictions-that you are not doing so, or that in some way or another each of you should be different in ......
Jane Roberts - The Personal Sessions, Book 2 "Survival of the Fittest?
For how can you look at yourselves with self-respect, with dignity or with joy, if you believe that you are the end product of forces in which the fittest survive? Being the fittest implies those given most to what would ......
Jane Roberts - The “Unknown” Reality: Volume Two "The Journey Leads Inward
If you want to “discover” how things work, then your journey must eventually lead you into the dimensions that lie within the world you know. You must therefore explore the psyche, the living consciousness. It will lead you to the ......
Jane Roberts - The “Unknown” Reality: Volume One (A Seth Book) "Energy, Identity and The Soul
Now your physical body is a field of energy with a certain form, however, and when someone asks you your name, your lips speak it — and yet the name does not belong to the atoms and molecules in the ......
Jane Roberts - Seth Speaks - The Seth Material "