Great Learning – Great Work

Learning involves your whole being. Great work is a result of great learning. It is not the result of seeing easy answers scribbled magically upon a blackboard. The flowers thrust themselves up through soil, but they hardly consider the soil ......

Jane Roberts - The Early Sessions Book 8 "

Significance of the Whale Belly

Moyers: My favourite scene [in Starwars] was when they were in the garbage compactor and the walls were closing in, and I thought, “That's like the belly of the whale that swallowed Jonah.” Campbell: That's where they were, down in ......

Joseph Campbell - The Power of Myth "

Real Growth Happens in Stages

Going through the darkness may take a long time. Real growth happens in stages, and sometimes a stage may seem to go on and on forever. Trust the process. Reach out. Get support and help from friends and healers. Be ......


Dealing with Sadness and Grief

So don't be frightened, dear friend, if a sadness confronts you larger than any you have ever known, casting its shadow over all you do. You must think that something is happening within you, and remember that life has not ......

Rainer Marie Rilke - Unknown "

Releasing Negative States

To end the misery that has afflicted the human condition for thousands of years, you have to start with yourself and take responsibility for your inner state at any given moment. That means now. Ask yourself, “Is there negativity in ......

Eckart Tolle - A New Earth "

Nietzsche’s Three Transformations of the Spirit

In a kind of parable, Nietzsche describes what he calls the three transformations of the spirit. The first is that of the camel, of childhood and youth. The camel gets down on his knees and says, “Put a load on ......

Joseph Campbell - The Power Myth "