Sharing Our Inner Self – Finding The Authentic Self

May 7, 2017

“Authenticity requires a genuine sharing of our inner self, irrespective of the consequences.” Monica McIntyre continues the topic on the authentic self.


Healing Shame and Guilt – Finding Our Authentic Self

March 26, 2017

Having found out how to expose shame and guilt to keep them from continuing, we are now going to look at how to get rid of them. Monica McIntyre continues the series on Finding Our Authentic Self.


Whose Voice is it? – Finding the Authentic Self

March 7, 2017

With practice and time we can learn to tell the difference between the voice of our ego and the voice of our authentic self. Monica McIntyre presents a continuing discusssion on finding the authentic self.


Being Vulnerable – Showing the Authentic Self

February 19, 2017

“The light is always there within but it takes being broken open to see it.” Rev. Monica McIntyre presents the topic of being vulnerable and showing our wounds as a path to authenticity and wholeness.


You Are Pure Poetry

November 20, 2016

Since we have had nothing but bad news recently, I want to share this wonderful piece by Jeff Foster: Some very good news! 1. You don’t need all the answers right now. The true guru is within. Right here, right now, in this moment, you don’t have to ‘figure out’ the rest of your life,


Awakening From the Trance of Unworthiness

October 23, 2016

“Any pathway toward remembering our belonging to this world alleviates the trance of separation and unworthiness.” We review Tara Brach’s article on unworthiness.


Self Love, Self Esteem and Self Approval

October 16, 2016

[Test your self acceptance with the “Self Acceptance Test” using the Download button above. When you are done download the scoring sheet here] I would like to continue with the discussion we have been having about self love, self esteem and self approval with an article from 2001 by the Buddhist teacher, Tara Brach, entitled,
