• What are the Bars? What are the infinite possibilities that your life could be better than anything you’ve ever imagined?

• What if you were never willing to stop you or shut yourself down ever again based on a thought, feeling, emotion or point of view? What if there was a simple, easy technique you could learn in one day that would release many of your limiting beliefs, feelings and attitudes you’ve collected over the years? The first class in Access is The Bars® .

• There are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive. It’s like hitting the delete button on your computer. All of the thoughts, feelings and emotions that keep you stuck, that keep you repeating the same patterns in your life over and over again, are released.

• Thousands of people have used the Access Bars to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more. At worst you will feel like you have just had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease.

• After your Bars class you can be a part of the “Bars Gifting & Receiving” community. It is an opportunity to gift & receive the Bars every week. What magic can show up here that you haven’t even thought about? Taking the Access Bars class is a prerequisite for all Access Consciousness® Core Classes as it allows your body to process and receive the changes you are choosing with ease.

• You will receive a class manual with details of everything you need to know to “Run the Bars”. You will give and receive two “Bars Sessions”. There are also at least a half dozen other Access tools that you can use to expand your life. This technique can be used in conjunction with massage, chiropractic, acupuncture and any other bodywork.

What are the infinite possibilities for you?