Breath is Life

People are reluctant to live in the emptiness of the void. And this is the place where creation exist. You see, and every breath you take, there is a space between the in breath and the out breath. That space ......

Joel D. Anastasi - The Second Coming "

Breathing – Life Energy and the Body

Gabriel: And breathing accesses what? It accesses the sensation of being. This is why human beings don't breathe. That's why they stop breathing because breathing produces feeling. And feeling is the sensation of movement of the life energy to the ......

Joel D. Anastasi - The Second Coming "

Universal Mind – Breathing Exercise

Place your body in a reclining, relaxed position. Breathe rhythmically, and meditate upon your relationship with the Universal Mind of which you are but an atom. Think of yourself as being in touch with All, and at-one-ment with All. See ......

William Walker Atkinson - The Hindu-Yogi Science Of Breath "