ASCENSION PRINCIPALS and Dowsing Refresher Intermediate Class

ASCENSION PRINCIPLES facilitated by Rudy Lack.

There will be a short refresher on intermediate dowsing class at 6 pm for those who need some extra help.

The ASCENSION PRINCIPLES class will start at 7.

As always, Rudy will be led by his Spirit Guides as to the content of the class.

Fee will be $15 with all proceeds going to the Center of Light

Please RSVP by sending an email to Karen


Access Consciousness

A taste of Access
November’s topic “Procrastination”

We will be offering “Sample” 20 minutes Bars sessions during the class so that you will have an opportunity to experience the Bars for yourself. In addition, there are several Access Consciousness® tools that have been very beneficial for clearing up different issues.

This is a very interesting method.

Dot has decided to offer this as a LOVE DONATION class with all proceeds going to the Center of Light.
We hope you are able to make it to show support for Dot and Center of Light, Plus learn how to deal with Procrastination and why we do it.

Notice the Access mantra –
All of life comes to me with ease & joy & glory!®

For more information and to sign up


Sound Immersion Healing Meditation

Sound Therapy Center of Light Tulsa

Email Karen Today to reserve your special place.

Let her know if you require an Anti-Gravity chair.

Barry Christopher and Monica McIntyre present a sound immersion meditation program to encourage a deeper meditative state while balancing the chakras and facilitating healing.

Join us as you relax and are bathed in the sounds of the crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, drumming, didgeridoo, bells and other sounds washing through your soul taking you on a short trip to self-healing and relaxation. The vibrations of the bowls and instruments will be used to to clear negative energies and raise the frequency of the listener.

RSVP contacting Karen Camp or

Contact Karen here if you need to cancel as there is sure to be a wait list.

Annie, our Comfort Coordinator will be there to assist you with all of your needs.

Dress Comfortably, you will be removing shoes.

We will be laying on floor. Floor mats, throws, and eye pads will be provided.
Please contact Karen If you would like to use an Anti-Gravity Chair. We have a few available through reservation.

Please bring more padding or pillows, or a rolled towel under your knees if needed. Comforting Eye Masks will be provided.

Please note: DOORS OPEN 6:30pm and will be LOCKED AT 6:50PM

A check made out to Center of Light or Cash accepted.


The Highest Consciousness of All

I trust in the hightest consciousness of all. I call forth the highest consciousness within me.

Matt Kahn

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