What It Means to Be a Light Worker?
Someone once asked me what does it mean to be a lightworker really? And I said, being a lightworker is that you are the announcer of well-being. You are the voice of the Divine that ensures that well-being is announced ......
Matt Kahn - Video - All Is Well "Responding as Lightworkers
How do we respond in current times to fulfill all our roles as light workers? Because what we are not trying to do is anchor a vibration of light in whatever way we have been taught to do under esoteric ......
Matt Kahn - Video - All Is Well "ASCENSION PRINCIPALS and Dowsing Refresher Intermediate Class
ASCENSION PRINCIPLES facilitated by Rudy Lack.
There will be a short refresher on intermediate dowsing class at 6 pm for those who need some extra help.
The ASCENSION PRINCIPLES class will start at 7.
As always, Rudy will be led by his Spirit Guides as to the content of the class.
Fee will be $15 with all proceeds going to the Center of Light
Please RSVP by sending an email to Karen