Breathing – Life Energy and the Body

Gabriel: And breathing accesses what? It accesses the sensation of being. This is why human beings don't breathe. That's why they stop breathing because breathing produces feeling. And feeling is the sensation of movement of the life energy to the ......

Joel D. Anastasi - The Second Coming "

Everything Makes Itself Known On It’s Way Out

And the removal of the fear that encases the planet that acts on each of you as a bad tape will leave, but not without a little bit of a fight. Now on an individual level, this becomes experienced as ......

Paul Selig - I Am The Word "

Teleclass: The Path of Love – Applied Alchemical Practice

The Path of Love is a series of 3 tele-classes led by Rama & Ana Inacio, channeled transmissions of information and guidance from Saint Germain and Lady Portia.

The intention of these 3 classes is to teach ways to raise your state of being into that of Unconditional Love. From this place, it is far easier to meet the lessons of life with grace and ease.

The love of self and others is a life-long journey. We are supported in this by coming together in ways such as this, to be connected for a period of weeks and move energy as a group. This supports to make the terrain of life more manageable and recognizable, to navigate with grace.

This class will be taught within a high vibrational matrix, at the level where behavior is formed, and where behavioral change can be received through the upper chakras. While mental positivity is unquestionably supportive, vibrational alignment carries an even greater propulsion. There will also be tasks of self-development to do between classes.

These classes will cover:

– Switching your Polarity from negative flow (inward) to positive flow (outward)
– Activating Emotional mastery
– Observing the Language of pain as roadmap to freedom, where resistance gives birth to relief, frustration births peace of mind
– Learning where love will take you…what the Truth of the heart requires you to do and what not to do, when to step up or how to step away. Understanding what honoring and generosity to oneself means
– Scanning the landscape of the etheric body
– Expanding the heart’s vibrational field and reach – supporting others in cosmic balance. Understanding the alchemy and growth in supporting others
– Familiarity with the internal color and texture of your resonance and the tools to shift it

With divine support we will create space and cultivate hope together.

– $88: early bird discount of 30% if signup before March 15th

– 3 classes: 2 remaining: Sunday March 26th & Sunday April 2nd. The recording of the first class will be given further to payment.

– Additional instructions for calling in will be provided upon payment.

– For payment please click here.


Releasing Negative States

To end the misery that has afflicted the human condition for thousands of years, you have to start with yourself and take responsibility for your inner state at any given moment. That means now. Ask yourself, “Is there negativity in ......

Eckart Tolle - A New Earth "

Opportunities to Know Yourself

Every opportunity is an opportunity for you to know yourself in a new way. And in the face of pain, you may know yourself in strength. In the face of loss, you may know yourself as gifted; in the face ......

Paul Selig - The Book of Knowing and Worth "

What It Means to Be a Light Worker?

Someone once asked me what does it mean to be a lightworker really? And I said, being a lightworker is that you are the announcer of well-being. You are the voice of the Divine that ensures that well-being is announced ......

Matt Kahn - Video - All Is Well "

Responding as Lightworkers

How do we respond in current times to fulfill all our roles as light workers? Because what we are not trying to do is anchor a vibration of light in whatever way we have been taught to do under esoteric ......

Matt Kahn - Video - All Is Well "

All Is Well

ALL IS WELL —just like many things that I have been taught—are codes of consciousness and when you unlock the codes of consciousness you activate the codes of your soul’s highest conduct. So let’s decode ALL IS WELL. ALL IS ......

Matt Khan - Video - All Is Well "

Exploring Your Light Body

Experience your self, exploring your light body.
Hosted by Rudy Lack, this session will help you know when you are in contact with your Lightbody, how to maintain and grow that connection.

It ‘s all about feeling, sensing and recognizing finer aspects of yourself.

Suggested Love Donation of $20.00 All monies go directly to Center of Light from Rudy Lack.

We will be meeting in the Fellowship Room

Please RSVP here interested.


“An Evening in the Light” with Intuitive Psychic Medium Brandie Chrisman

~ An Evening in the Light~

You are invited to join us for this rare opportunity to experience a Gallery Reading by Brandie, who is a highly-trained, multi-talented, and deeply-experienced psychic medium with a penchant for understanding and communicating with spirit while connecting you with your loved ones.

She is generously offering her gift to us on Friday Nov. 18, 2016 7-9:30 pm for the small fee of only $15 .

There will be light snacks, coffee and water served, and space is limited to only 50 guests.

Please RSVP here OR on our Meet-up Page so we may have a head count for seating arrangement and snacks.
New guests are welcome.

This will be a beautiful night to remember!
Click here to learn more about Brandie Chrisman
