Real Growth Happens in Stages
Going through the darkness may take a long time. Real growth happens in stages, and sometimes a stage may seem to go on and on forever. Trust the process. Reach out. Get support and help from friends and healers. Be ......
What do you berate yourself for?
Do you ever procrastinate?
Have you finally given up on yourself and the possibility of success?
Have you run out of space – do you hoard things?
Do you have any addictions – even the addiction to saving our friends, relatives and loved ones?
Fortunately Access Consciousness® has many ways to approach the variety of issues we deal with.
Please bring your questions or your issues and let’s play with the tools to see what might happen for you.
There are many questions to ask which can change our point of view and allow progress in our lives. This reality has so many rules and standards that few question them. What if the humanoids, the more creative people on the planet, actually would do better with a different approach? Many people who participate in Access Consciousness® seminars report being able to get twice as much done in half the time they used to require, and this applies to our bodies’ as well.
Access Consciousness is a series of tools and processes that assists you in creating change in any area of your life. I’ve been practicing these tools for a few years and have noticed many wonderful changes in my own life. A few of them are:
-Healing in challenging relationships. -Improved health and well-being. -Quieter mind.
-Less negative self-talk.
-Greater courage to be myself.
-Greater awareness and expanded consciousness.
Do these benefits interest you? Dot will be sharing a few Access tools and answering your questions personally to help you create the life you desire. This will be a fun and informal talk. Come play! What are the infinite possibilities for you?
Surrender is I am the one that changes. And I change by changing my relationship with whatever I feel by accepting that the only catalyst causing any outcome to occur is a divine force within me that is bringing me ......
Matt Kahn - Why Everything Happens for You "