We're becoming increasingly aware of internal and external energy, its qualities, and the principles by which it functions — frequency, vibration, resonance, waves, oscillation, cycles, octaves, and spectrums. We're discovering that these concepts are at the heart of the newest techniques for knowing, doing, and having everything.
Your personal vibration — the frequency of energy you hold moment by moment in your body, emotions, and mind — is the most important tool you have for creating and living your ideal life. If your energy frequency is high, fast, and clear, life unfolds effortlessly and in alignment with your destiny, while a lower, slower, more distorted frequency begets a life of snags and disappointments.
Here are three key things to understand now:
(1) you are being affected by an evolutionary process that moves through specific stages, which is causing the energetic frequency of your body, emotions, and mind to accelerate,
(2) because the rising frequency of your energy parallels your level of awareness, you are gradually becoming more aware, sensitive, visionary, empathic, and loving, and
(3) the biggest challenge of the next few years will be working with your sensitivity, keeping your personal vibration clear, and learning to use “frequency principles” to live successfully in the coming times.