Quotes from Paul Selig author of “I Am The Word”, The Book of Love and Creation”, The Book of Knowing and Worth”.
Everything Makes Itself Known On It’s Way Out
And the removal of the fear that encases the planet that acts on each of you as a bad tape will leave, but not without a little bit of a fight. Now on an individual level, this becomes experienced as ......
Paul Selig - I Am The Word "How You Serve – Being in Service
As you are always in vibration, you are always in expression, regardless of what you think. Your vibration is your life in manifestation. It is what holds things to you; it is what repels things as well. The vibration that ......
Paul Selig - The Book of Knowing and Worth "Opportunities to Know Yourself
Every opportunity is an opportunity for you to know yourself in a new way. And in the face of pain, you may know yourself in strength. In the face of loss, you may know yourself as gifted; in the face ......
Paul Selig - The Book of Knowing and Worth "What You Judge You Fear
What you judge you fear, and who you judge is who you are afraid of. If what you witness before you, regardless of what you think, is a manifestation of God, who are you to judge? Now Paul is asking, ......
Paul Selig - The Book of Knowing and Worth "Denying Fear It’s Power
The identity that you have claimed to appease others, to make yourself accepted by them must be seen for what they are: a mask that you hold that precludes your beauty from expressing itself in fullness.” Every time you take ......
Paul Selig - The Book of Knowing and Worth iBooks "